Our child care specializes in the development

of your children with a focus on skill building through fun and interactive learning.


Our child care specializes in the development of your children with a focus on skill building through fun and interactive learning.

Our Mission

Equitable Educational Experience works to create learning spaces that increase access and achievement for all learners to increase their abilities in the areas of academics, character development, and social-emotional well-being.

About Us

E 3 aims to improve outcomes for disadvantaged students that have historically maintained lower academic performance than their peers. E 3 believes that all students deserve a high quality rigorous pre kindergarten through twelfth grade academic experience. Students should leave high school prepared to be successful in college and ready to navigate the world. We believe that providing every student with an individualized learning plan that is used to support students with understanding their most effective learning style and equipping students to advocate for themselves supports these efforts.

Our experience and research has shown that when students are offered daily spaces to acknowledge past and present trauma and dream of and plan the possibilities of their future their classroom and school behavior improves. The work we do is rooted in genuine love for underserved communities and in progress towards excellent equitable education for all.

E 3 provides learning opportunity services to schools and non-profit organizations. Our work has supported schools and organizations with launching schools with dynamic climate, culture and behavior plans. The schools we have supported maintain suspension rates that are far below the district, county and state average. We believe that our work is making a real difference and increasing instructional time for students by keeping them in schools.

School Design

E 3 supports school design and is working to bring our innovative school model to Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Below outlines our core values and educational philosophy and school design

The instructional foundation of our school is a whole-child approach to education, with a focus on community centered collaboration infused with standards aligned project based learning. That will support students with becoming fully prepared for success at the secondary education level. Learning will be rooted in student choice, accountability and thought collaboration at all grade levels. Students will learn these skills through civic engagement. Students will learn and practice the concept of joint decision making and respectfully disagreeing as early as elementary school. The school will focus on civic engagement and community service. Students will engage in assignments and activities that help them understand who they are and what they can do to contribute to their community and the world. Classrooms will serve as mock local governments. Eventually elementary, middle and high schools will serve as mock states that have elected representatives that will be responsible for bringing their constituents voices, thoughts and views to the table to make important decisions about school governance, processes and procedures as the school grows. Through class projects students will spend a significant amount of time practicing public communication skills. Including the ability to inform and persuade at the elementary level. We believe that our scholars have the ability to solve local and world problems. Our school develops youth through service learning, a teaching method that enriches learning by engaging students in meaningful service to their school and communities. Our students will apply academic skills to solving real-world issues, linking what they learn in the classrooms with genuine community needs. Students will understand that civic leadership means responsible citizenship; it means being a leader who proactively seeks knowledge of community issues in order to contribute to their solutions. Students will develop the skills they need to make informed decisions that strengthen their connection and commitment to their community. They will participate in the public life of a community in an informed, committed, and constructive manner, and understand that civic leadership is education in action for the common good. We believe that students become active and enthusiastic learners when they feel that what they learn is relevant and useful.

Core Values

Education Philosophy

We believe that through targeted interventions, assessments, diverse curricula, and social/emotional supports students can achieve higher levels of education.


We will serve as a living embodiment of equity by ensuring every student has voice

We will be transparent in our decision making process and include student voice


We will work with families to provide a tailored personalized learning experience for every student

We will provide standards based project aligned learning

We will provide real-world community infused authentic learning experiences

We will use quarterly assessments to support student progress and update individual learning plans


We will provide a co-designed joyful learning experience that is exploratory and honors social/emotional learning.

Learning Specialist

We work with distinguished learning specialist to provide customized learning series and plans

Lloyd Bryant

Equitable Education Experience


Specializes in mobilizing teams to escalate instructional improvement and creating a school climate and culture that supports academic excellence. Lloyd coaches school leaders at all levels and he is committed to advancing equity through his work. Mr. Bryant has served as a principal in Washington, DC and Indiana. He is a Mary Jane Patterson Fellow and he completed the Relay Program for principal supervisors

Vision Statements

We believe that all students regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, gender, socio-economic status, disability, or other exceptionality should receive equitable education experiences.
We believe that learning environments benefit from the diverse perspectives of all people.
We believe that learners from an early age should be exposed to various languages through language exploration opportunities.
We believe that learning should infuse and explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) based learning.
We believe we must create student leaders in our schools so they will leave our schools prepared to lead the future in their communities.



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1027 Vernon Odom Blvd.

Akron,Ohio 44307